I know sometimes, It is hard to understand English native speakers and having conversations with them can make us feel a little bit stressed.
But hey, do not worry. Others are experiencing it as well and this can be
Understanding fast native speakers and their accent are indeed challenging. These kinds of struggles can easily overwhelm us and intimidate us. We have to understand that the more you pay attention to their accent the more you will miss out what the other person is trying to tell you. In case you encounter the same scenario do not hesitate to clarify things.
Asking and confirming the details will make the person feel that you are acknowledging everything he has said. Here are the phrases you can use to confirm and make sure you got the message correctly.
Did i hear you say……….?
I’d like to confirm so you said…………., is it right?
So you said…………, right?
Did i hear you correctly when you said……?
Be in a habit of enjoying the conversation by being comfortable with the language.
Enjoy every moment. You can do it! #yesican